For the purpose of this assignment, I chose to create a series of infographics demonstrating some of the ideas behind 21st century learning and our national educational system’s need and path for achieving it.
I chose not to create a narrated presentation as I have done this multiple times thus far in this class and thought it necessary to gain some skills in a different medium. I had initially planned to write a white paper, as this is a form of publication with which I do not have experience. I reconsidered, though, because I thought it would be more beneficial to learn some techniques in visual data display. Just this past month, I was struggling with this concept when contributing to a report at work. This is clearly not one of my strong suits, and I want to improve in this medium so I can put it to use in my career.
I read many of the posts by others in the class regarding their experience with various free infographic software. After doing a little exploring of my own, I determined that I wouldn’t be able to achieve a long, comprehensive graphic with the limited free software at my disposal. I therefore chose to create three separate graphics, using the beta version of an online software called ( Descriptions of each are below:
1.) Illustrating the Need for 21st Century Instruction
A timely analysis of the recently released PISA data which demonstrates our nation’s educational shortcomings relative to other nations.
![Need title=](
Web link:
2.) Characteristics of the 21st Century Learner
An overview of the general disposition and learning preferences of American millennial learners. Adapted from a blog post by Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton, educational researcher and practitioner.
![21stCenturyLearners title=](
Web link:
3.) The 9 Competencies of 21st Century Educators
An examination of nine skills, ideas, and strengths that modern educators should embody in order to ensure authentic learning experiences.
![Competencies title=](
Web link:
By choosing these three topics and this sequence, I attempted to convey the idea that there is a readily apparent need to improve our educational system in order to remain relevant in a global society, as well as to appropriately meet the needs of an extremely diverse and rapidly changing student population. Lastly, I provided a partial remedy to the diagnosis through identifying skills needed in effective educator preparation.
Overall, this assignment served as a great learning experience for me. Though I much prefer writing over the tedium of accurately spacing, coloring, and arranging graphic information, this method forced me to consider how to effectively put forth as much important information possible from a wealth of ideas and data. This was definitely a beneficial experience and served as a great way to cap the end of this very informative semester.
Works Cited:
Eaton, S.E. (2011, December 7th). 21 characteristics of 21st century learners. Retrieved from
Greenhill, V. (2010). 21st Century Knowledge and Skills in Educator Preparation. Partnership for 21st Century Skills.
National Center for Educational Statistics (2013). Selected findings from PISA 2012. Retrieved December 4, 2013 from
The rubric for assessing the infographics (possibly the toughest portion of the assignment for me, considering my utter lack of knowledge on this topic) is below:
There appears to be no logical pattern to the way data or information is arranged.
Points of emphasis are apparent, but clearer and more rigid structure would improve readability.
Data, information, and overarching concepts are easily understandable. A logical flow of information is present.
Unappealing or unreadable color schemes are used. Lack of variation in graphics or objects.
Colors and graphics are utilitarian. Concepts are somewhat enhanced by choice of color, graphics and objects.
Vibrant, eye-catching words, images, objects color, etc. are used to enhance the information presented
Data and information is sparse and of no real value. No source is provided.
Data, information, and concepts are evident but not presented in full. No purpose is apparent.
Rich data, information, and overarching concepts are readily apparent. All sources cited and URLs provided.
Awesome! They're easy to read, informative, and fun to look at! I love them! I will be exploring the program you used to create these infographics SOON.